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Mission Statement

Our mission is to deliver hope to suffering children by equipping local churches for gospel-centered mercy ministry. 

Prioritize the Gospel
We declare the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ as our first priority. It is the only source of true hope, the ultimate remedy for mankind’s suffering, and the power of God to those who are being saved. Therefore, we unite our God-given gifts and resources for gospel proclamation.
Elevate the Church
The Church was divinely established and its existence uniquely guaranteed by God as His representative of the gospel in word and deed. Therefore, we elevate and esteem churches dedicated to the gospel, by equipping and providing resources to help them proclaim this message to the world.
Impact the Next Generation
Children are made in God’s image and He commands us to nurture and instruct them in His Word. Therefore, we impact the next generation for Christ, so that one day they would be restored as “children of God” through the power of the gospel.
Pursue Relationships
The most effective way to serve the needs of others is through ongoing, personal relationships. Therefore, we prayerfully pursue relationships with those we serve and those who help us accomplish our mission, so that our actions might be used by God to transform lives.
Strive for Integrity
We recognize that we are ultimately accountable to God for the stewardship of the resources He has entrusted to us. Therefore we strive to fulfill our mission with integrity before God and conduct ourselves in such a way that enables others to trust our work with confidence.

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