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Do I need to complete a Hold Harmless Agreement Form (HHA Form)?

Non-minor Adults (Age 17 or older):  All adults who volunteer at Children's Hunger Fund must complete the HHA Form and bring with you to turn in when you check-in.

Adults with Children:  Are you coming to volunteer with your children?  You will need to complete the HHA Form (top section only), list the name(s) of your minor children on the back and bring it to turn in when you check-in!  If you are bringing other minor children not your own, please complete both top sections and simply list the name(s) of all minor children on the back!

Are you a teacher or Group Sponsor bringing children under the age of 18 who aren't your own?  The top two sections of the HHA Form will need to be completed by all adults accompanying you and the children.  You will need to have their parent or legal guardian fill out one of our hold harmless forms.

Download it here

Extra Hold Harmless Forms will be available at check-in.


Common Messages