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 Frequently Asked Questions


If I'm a first-time volunteer, how do I get started?


Not to worry, we have a visual step-by-step guide here that will walk you through the registration and sign-up process.


What happens on a typical volunteer day?


When you volunteer at our warehouse, you might build Food Paks, scoop beans, bag pasta, wrap toys, or package a variety of other gifts to help suffering children and families around the world.


Is there a minimum age requirement to volunteer?


No, there is no minimum age required to participate in our warehouses. CHF encourages and values family participation, and it's a great way to instill service and community to our little ones. We ask that anyone 15 or under has adult supervision to help ensure your children are working on age-appropriate projects.


How do I sign up a group to volunteer?


Families or groups wishing to register together will need to be registered as a team. The individual coordinating the group registration (i.e. the "Team Captain"), should (1) register as a volunteer, (2) create a team, and (3) sign that team up for a specific volunteer opportunity. Team members can later be added or removed, both from the team as a whole, and also from specific opportunities.


Why am I having difficulty adding minors to my group?


When adding minors, do not include an email with their names. You must include a phone number with their name. This can be the same phone number as the team captain.


What if I want to bring a group but I don't know the names of all my team members yet?


Go to the volunteer opportunity and click the name of the opportunity coordinator to send them an email requesting to bring your group.



What is the dress code?


Comfortable clothing that you don't mind getting dirty and closed-toed shoes.


Can I just show up for a volunteer opportunity?
Due to limited space and projects available for each day, we require all volunteers to register in advance for Volunteer Opportunities. You can register online up to an hour before volunteering begins. If you will be bringing friends or family members along with you to volunteer, please be sure to create a team and register your entire group.
What if a volunteer opportunity is full?
You can add your name to the waiting list for any date that is full, and you will be notified by email if a spot(s) becomes available. The email goes out to every volunteer on the waiting list, and the available spot(s) are filled on a first come first serve basis.
Can I receive community service credit for school?
Absolutely! Just bring along any forms that you need to be signed, and a CHF staff member will be happy to sign them for you at the end of the volunteer day. If you don’t have your own form but still need your hours documented, we have a form available to you upon request. 

Common Messages