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Welcome to CHF’s Volunteer Registration Site!

Follow these steps to get started:
Step 1. Become a Volunteer (New to Children’s Hunger Fund)



  • Select this Option and complete the Registration to create a Volunteer Account
  • After completing this, you will be logged in as a Volunteer

Registering as an Individual? Skip to Step 3 if you want to create a Team OR to Step 5 if you are ready to register to serve at a workday alone


If you already have a Volunteer Account, Login (located at the top right)
Registering a Team (Family/Church/Company/Organization)? Continue on!

Step 2. Family/church/organization serving together? Create a Team (located in My Account)



Step 3.  Create a New Team (Select this option and complete Steps 1 and 2; Select the Create Team button)
Step 4. Locate Manage Team where you will Add Additional New Members (age only required for minors!)
Step 5. Now you are ready to Find an Opportunity (located at the top of this page)



Step 6. Select the Distribution Center
Step 7. Select the date you want to volunteer
Step 8. Select "I'm coming on my own!" if you are coming alone, or, "I'm bringing others!" if you have others coming with you; Choose your Team; Select; Check the name(s) of those coming with you; Select Submit



Common Messages