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Opportunity Details

Volunteering at the CHF Distribution Center in San Antonio, TX

Welcome to CHF’s Volunteer Registration Site!

Thank you for your desire to serve with Children’s Hunger Fund’s Volunteer Program.  Your time and effort will help provide hope to suffering children.

Warehouse Attire for Volunteer Workdays:

  • For your safety, please wear closed toed shoes/tennis shoes.
  • Jeans and a t-shirt work well!  It's a warehouse so there's a possibility of getting a little dirty.

    The volunteer workday in San Antonio is open for registration.

    Please visit our website for more information or contact the Volunteer Program Coordinator, at 210-395-4200, ext. 5203.  Thank you!

    For assistance with registration issues, please contact the Administrative Assistant at 210-395-4200, ext. 5002

    Follow these steps to get started:

    HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT (HHA Form) Please complete and bring with you OR complete it on-site when you arrive to volunteer.  Any volunteer age 18 or older will need to complete the top section of the HHA Form for each workday they attend. 


Step 1.  Become a Volunteer Create your Volunteer Account (Adults only) no minor Volunteer Accounts should be created, OR “Login” (located at the top right)

Registering as an Individual?  Skip to Step 4
Registering a Team (Family/Church/Company/Organization)?  Continue on!

Step 2.  Family/church/organization serving together?  Create a Team (located in My Account); IN THE FIELD Company/Group Affiliation (not a required field, but important to the process), USE ONE OF THESE TERMS "Family, Work, Corporate" and the system will NOT ask for a phone or email for minors.

Step 3.  Locate Manage Team where you will Add New Members (enter age is only required for minors!)  If the same email address is shared by multiple Team Members, use this format when registering them (EXAMPLE: Volunteer #1 should be: mickeymouse@gmail.com; Volunteer #2 [same email address] mickeymouse+minnie@gmail.com.)

Step 4.  Now you are ready to Find an Opportunity (located at the top of this page) OR go to the Workday URL provided to you by our Volunteer Program Coordinator.

Step 5.  Select the Distribution Center (ONLY if you are coming alone and not with a Team).

Step 6.  Select the date you want to volunteer (ONLY if you are coming alone and not with a Team).

Step 7.  Click "I'm coming on my own!" if you are coming alone, or, "I'm bringing others!" if you have others coming with you from a Team you created

We'll see you on the date you selected!
Faith-Based Service
Collecting, Sorting & Packaging
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Log in or Register

In order to register for this opportunity you must log in to an existing account or register to create a new account.


Sign up with a team

This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity:

Common Messages

Common Messages